News Ticker
  • Government bumps up supply of private homes for full-year 2023 to highest in a decade. Orchard Road, Zion Road sites among 8 state land plots to be offered in H2 for private housing. Charming Garden makes third and final bid at collective sale with same S$175 million guide price. When new condo units are pricier than older ones by over 70 per cent. New private home sales up 17% in May from April, on the back of a doubling in launches.      
  • Government bumps up supply of private homes for full-year 2023 to highest in a decade. Orchard Road, Zion Road sites among 8 state land plots to be offered in H2 for private housing. Charming Garden makes third and final bid at collective sale with same S$175 million guide price. When new condo units are pricier than older ones by over 70 per cent. New private home sales up 17% in May from April, on the back of a doubling in launches.      


En En

Video Creative

En En is a knowledge-craving individual who seeks a learning opportunity at every chance she gets. Ask her for a trivia, she’ll definitely have one for you. As a video creator at PropertyLimBrothers, she’s always looking for ideas and inspirations to make her next product more compelling. She strongly believes that there is no limit to her creativity.

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Assistant Art Director, Video Creative Lead