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  • Government bumps up supply of private homes for full-year 2023 to highest in a decade. Orchard Road, Zion Road sites among 8 state land plots to be offered in H2 for private housing. Charming Garden makes third and final bid at collective sale with same S$175 million guide price. When new condo units are pricier than older ones by over 70 per cent. New private home sales up 17% in May from April, on the back of a doubling in launches.      
  • Government bumps up supply of private homes for full-year 2023 to highest in a decade. Orchard Road, Zion Road sites among 8 state land plots to be offered in H2 for private housing. Charming Garden makes third and final bid at collective sale with same S$175 million guide price. When new condo units are pricier than older ones by over 70 per cent. New private home sales up 17% in May from April, on the back of a doubling in launches.      

Is 2022 the year of Black Swans?

First, crazy high inflation, next war in Ukraine, then Fed rug-pulling the stock markets, and cryptos crashing down. It seems that 2022 is full of surprises in itself. And not the good kind. In our latest Insights article, we explore the potential black swans of 2022 and how they might affect Singaporean real estate.

How would 28 year old Eligibility for HDB affect the Real Estate Market?

The parliamentary session earlier in March stirred up plenty of questions, debates, and opinions on whether the age criteria for single Singaporeans to buy HDBs should be lowered. Every one might have their own stance on this matter and we are not here to set the record straight. This article runs a simple thought experiment on what might potentially happen if the eligibility criteria for age is indeed lowered.