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  • Government bumps up supply of private homes for full-year 2023 to highest in a decade. Orchard Road, Zion Road sites among 8 state land plots to be offered in H2 for private housing. Charming Garden makes third and final bid at collective sale with same S$175 million guide price. When new condo units are pricier than older ones by over 70 per cent. New private home sales up 17% in May from April, on the back of a doubling in launches.      
  • Government bumps up supply of private homes for full-year 2023 to highest in a decade. Orchard Road, Zion Road sites among 8 state land plots to be offered in H2 for private housing. Charming Garden makes third and final bid at collective sale with same S$175 million guide price. When new condo units are pricier than older ones by over 70 per cent. New private home sales up 17% in May from April, on the back of a doubling in launches.      

How To Lose $100K Unknowingly

Sometimes, when we focus on the nitty-gritty of our daily lives – we tend to ignore the bigger picture. We disregard the larger financial issues and fail to appreciate situations with more financial significance. More specifically, have you put in enough thought towards how you are financing your current property? Or is it something that you have stored at the back of your mind? With poor planning, do you know that you could potentially lose $100k unknowingly?

Should I use CPF or Cash For My Property Down payment? | Investors Ep 9

A common question among young couples looking to purchase their first home is whether they should use CPF or cash for their first property down payment In this episode of our investors series, we dive into figuring out whether using CPF or Cash would be better for making your first property down payment according to your financial situation.

6 Factors to Consider for Your Property’s Monthly Instalment | Investors Ep 4

Some property buyers often overestimate the amount of monthly instalments that they can make, as such feel the financial burden and end up unhappy with their purchase. In this article where we explore the 6 factors to consider when gauging for an affordable and realistic monthly instalment for the property that you wish to purchase for your current pay status.